Domain names. You’ve probably wondered what they are or how important they are to your website. As a website owner it is necessary you understand domain names, so we'll address everything you need to know about domain names.
What Is a Domain Name?
Without realizing it you're already familiar with domain names. They are URLs that you type in your web browser to access websites on the internet. is an example of a domain name.
The fundamental function of a domain name is to serve as the address for your website. An IP address is a string of digits that is assigned to every computer, including the server that hosts your website. Users would have to enter your server's IP address to visit your site if domain names were not available.
Instead, your website address serves as an easy-to-remember alternative that customers may use to swiftly access your information. If you choose it carefully, it can also help people remember your brand and become more familiar with it.
Difference Between A Domain Name And Web Hosting?
Since so many hosting providers are also domain registrars, and both services are necessary to start a website, domain names and web hosting are commonly confused. They are, however, two distinct things.
Your domain is the address of your website. Your website's server, which is comparable to your website's home, is provided by your web host. Although you have the option of purchasing both hosting and a name from the same provider, you are not required to do so.
What is a Domain Name System (DNS)?
This is a distributed system that keeps track of which domains are associated with which IP addresses.
When a visitor types your domain name into their browser, the DNS looks up the related IP address and leads them to the correct page. In this sense, the DNS can be thought of as an internet directory.
You may need to engage directly with the DNS in a variety of situations, such as debugging issues or setting up a custom email address. It's also crucial when switching to a new domain or hosting company.
What is a Top-Level Domain (TLD)?
A top-level domain (TLD), such, is the last part of a domain name. When it comes to allowing users to access your website, one TLD isn't better than the other, but there are some crucial differences.
Your TLD can disclose insight into the nature of your website. Nonprofit organizations, for example, have typically used domain. Others, such, necessitate further verification since they denote a specific amount of authority.
Your TLD may have an impact on the price of your domain name. While name costs roughly $10 per year, domain can cost thousands of dollars.
What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing a Domain Name?
In general, your domain name should match the name of your brand, or company. This prevents confusion and gives a much-needed level of uniformity to your visitors.
If you're just getting started or your ideal domain name is already taken, there are a few places you can look for ideas, including automated domain name generators. Remember to make it unique, short, and memorable.
You may check what domains are available by going to any registrar's website and utilizing the search feature. If your first choice is not available, the registrar may recommend similar options to assist you choose one that suits your needs.
Where do you purchase a Domain Name?
A domain name can be purchased from any domain registrar. Many web hosts also serve as registrars, however, you have the option of getting your hosting and domain from different companies.
A good registrar will be Frontdreams Hosting. Acquiring your domain name from your hosting provider, on the other hand, makes setting up your website much easier.
Domain Privacy
You're registering a domain name as part of a public record when you buy it. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and Numbers (ICANN) is in charge of keeping track of who owns each and every domain name on the internet.
ICANN's records, on the other hand, include your contact information, which you may not wish to make public. By purchasing domain privacy, you can keep your personal information hidden away in this record.
WHOIS protection and domain privacy are two terms that are used interchangeably. When you buy a domain name, it'll usually be offered as an add-on after checkout.
Some registrars, like Namecheap, offer free WHOIS protection (usually in the cost of your domain). Others may charge you for it separately, however your privacy is worth the expense.
Is it possible to sell a domain name?
You can resell a domain name you've previously purchased if you feel you no longer need it. Flippa is a well-known platform for selling domain names.
Knowing everything about domain names will help you better design, maintain, and even sell your website in the future.
We learned a lot about domain names in this post, including what they are and how they work. We also gave some advice on how to choose, buy, and sell them.
If you have any more questions about domain names feel free to contact us